Tender for a consultancy in developing a learning paper that reflects on the key lessons learnt, challenges and recommendations of IR Mali’s experience with the Channels of Hope Methodology (Child Protection), September 2021
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Islamic Relief is an international aid and development charity, which aims to alleviate the suffering of the world's poorest people. It is an independent Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984.
As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Islamic Relief promotes sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities - regardless of race, religion or gender.
Our vision:
Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled and people respond as one to the suffering of others.
Our mission:
Exemplifying our Islamic values, we will mobilise resources, build partnerships, and develop local capacity, as we work to:
Enable communities to mitigate the effect of disasters, prepare for their occurrence and respond by providing relief, protection and recovery.
Promote integrated development and environmental custodianship with a focus on sustainable livelihoods.
Support the marginalised and vulnerable to voice their needs and address root causes of poverty.
We allocate these resources regardless of race, political affiliation, gender or belief, and without expecting anything in return.
At the international level, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council, and is a signatory to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct. IRW is committed to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through raising awareness of the issues that affect poor communities and through its work on the ground. Islamic Relief are one of only 13 charities that have fulfilled the criteria and have become members of the Disasters Emergency Committee (www.dec.org.uk)
IRW endeavours to work closely with local communities, focussing on capacity-building and empowerment to help them achieve development without dependency.
Please see our website for more information http://www.islamic-relief.org/
Project background
Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) is committed to the international humanitarian commitments of ‘Leave No One Behind’ and the Core Humanitarian Standard drawing on our commitment to integrating Gender, Child Protection, and Inclusion into our programmes. IRW ensures its work has the greatest positive impact on the lives of all women, men, girls and boys of all ages and abilities whom we serve.
Islamic Relief in partnership with World Vision has been adopting a faith sensitive approach to child protection using Channels of Hope (CoH) methodology. The methodology aims to foster competence in a specific thematic area (HIV and AIDs, Child protection, Gender, Ebola) through 4 stages of preparing facilitators, catalysing workshops of faith leaders’, strategising workshops and creating action teams and empowering members of action teams to work on their action plans. Islamic Relief supported adapting a combined Christian and Muslim version for Channels of Hope Child Protection in 2016 and Channels of Hope Gender in 2018, and since then it has rolled-out this methodology in a number of its country offices.
Islamic Relief realises that faith leaders can be crucial partners in humanitarian and development and as such, IRW is working towards developing methodologies and programmes to engage with them more widely and in greater depth.
In Islamic Relief Mali, Channels of Hope (Child Protection) has managed to implement the CoH methodology which has seen strong and meaningful engagement with community mobilisers, actors and most importantly faith leaders who have facilitated in the creating safe and secure environments for children of all ages. IR Mali have shared some anecdotal findings and impact of the CoH approach in the respective communities. This has been achieved through the delivery of awareness-raising and sensitisation sessions aiming to build the capacity and faith sensitive knowledge of key community figures such as faith and community leaders, as well as community based organisation (CBO) and civil society organisation (CSO) members on the principles of child protection.
Main objective
IRW is seeking a consultant or consultancy with a proven track record with expertise in Child Protection and experience capturing learning. This learning piece will be for the organisation to take stock of the impact of the CoH CP methodology and it has positively influenced and advocated for child protection needs, but also what key lessons, challenges and recommendations could be shared. Through this research some practices and learning will also speak to gender and how there are areas where child protection facilitate safe discussion around gender too. This learning piece will also be shared with external stakeholders and partners.
The objectives for this consultancy are as follows;
· Develop a discussion around IR Mali’s experience with the Channels of Hope of Child Protection (CoH CP) methodology.
· Hold discussions with staff from IR Mali and relevant staff from IRW in order to facilitate gathering learning around their experiences of the Channels of Hope methodology.
· Group and individual discussions with community representatives, faith leaders and youth to gather indepth learning and experience of their experience of CoH CP.
· Capture learning and experience of colleagues and communities in addressing gender issues through the lens of child protection.
· Based on the analysis above, capture key lessons, challenges and recommendations in a learning paper.
The methodology for producing this paper will require the following:
(International Consultant would require to have local consultant to support this process)
· Desk research (of project proposals/mid-term and final reports/monitoring reports/meeting minutes).
· Raw data to be collected from key community stakeholders.
· Online and in person meetings with relevant IRW staff and IR Mali, as well as other methods of evidence-gathering determined by the consultant.
· Gathering information from key informants in the region.
Expected outputs
A first draft report structured to address each of the stated ToR’s:
· A learning paper that captures key lessons, challenges and recommendations based on IR Mali’s experience of the Channels of Hope methodology (child protection)
A final draft report on:
· A learning paper that captures key lessons, challenges and recommendations based on IR Mali’s experience of the Channels of Hope methodology (child protection)
Person specification
The successful consultant is expected to have:
· Technical experience on gender and child protection in humanitarian/development organisations.
· Basic Islamic understanding of gender and child protection and the potential risks those groups may face.
· Has experience working in the West Africa region.
· Experience in developing learning reports and documents in the humanitarian sector
· Excellent interpersonal skills and professional manners are essential
· Ability to work independently and to manage large amounts of information; to work systematically and to produce to deadlines
· Sensitivity towards and interest in cross-cultural issues and human rights issues
· Degree in social sciences or related subject
· Advanced level of English
Timetable and reporting duration
Below is a table comprising the estimated timelines of this project.
Action By when Who
Tender live date 20th September 2021 IRW
Tender deadline 30th September 2021 IRW
Shortlisting and interviews 8th October 2021 IRW
First draft of paper submitted by consultant 29th October 2021 Consultant
IR provides feedback to the consultant on the first draft of paper 5th November 2021 IRW
Second draft of final paper submitted by consultant** 12th November 2021 Consultant
IR provides feedback to the consultant on the second draft of baseline paper 17th November 2021 IRW
Final versions of the document submitted by consultant 22nd November 2021 Consultant
Reporting information;
Contract duration: Duration to be specified by the consultant
Direct report: Child Protection and Inclusion Advisor
Job Title: Consultant; developing a learning paper that reflects on the key lessons learnt, challenges and recommendations of IR Mali’s experience with the Channels of Hope Methodology (Child Protection)**
The consultant will communicate in the first instance with and will forward deliverables to the IRW Programme Quality team.
Proposal to tender and costing:
Consultants (single or teams) interested in carrying out this work must:
a) Submit a proposal including the following;
i. Cover letter outlining a methodology and approach briefing note
ii. CV or outline of relevant skills and experience possessed by the consultant who will be carrying out the tasks and any other personnel who will work on the project
iii. Example(s) of relevant work done
iv. The consultancy daily rate
v. Expenses policy of the tendering consultant. Incurred expenses will not be included but will be agreed in advance of any contract signed
b) Be able to complete the project within the timeframe stated above
c) Be able to demonstrate significant experience of evaluation approaches for similar work
d) Must have completed Appendix 1 (beneath)
Terms and conditions
Additional terms but not limited to this consultancy are listed below
a. The ToR document is between the consultant and Islamic Relief Worldwide
b. Islamic Relief Worldwide is a legally registered charity under the laws of the United Kingdom charity registration number 328158
c. This document covers the research project identified and described in this document and related correspondence and may not be expended for any other purposes without the prior written approval of Islamic Relief Worldwide, Programme Quality Department
d. The project will be carried out under the auspices of the Islamic Relief Worldwide, Programme Quality Department. The lead researcher will be working in the capacity of a freelance consultant.
e. Collected data, information, reports and reference documents should be submitted, along with any audio files and transcripts collected.
f. Intellectual Property Rights to all research conducted and collected and the final report belongs solely to Islamic Relief Worldwide.
g. In case of contraventions or breach of any of the terms of the agreement, any outstanding payments to the Lead Researcher will be withheld.
Payment terms and conditions
Payment will be made in accordance with the deliverables and deadlines as follows:
· 40% of the total amount – submission of the inception report
· 30% of the total amount – submission of the first draft of the evaluation report
· 30% of the total amount – submission of the final report including all outputs and attachments mentioned above**
We can be flexible with payment terms, invoices are normally paid on net payment terms of 28 days from the time of the invoice date.
Additional information and conditions of contract
During the consultancy period,
IRW will only cover:
· The costs and expenses associated with in-country, work-related transportation for the consultant and the assessment team
· International and local travel for the consultant and the local team
· Accommodation while in the field
· Training venues
· Consultancy fees
IRW will not cover:
· Tax obligations as required by the country in which he/she will file income tax
· Any pre/post assignment medical costs. These should be covered by the consultant
· Medical and travel insurance arrangements and costs. These should be covered by the consultant
To access and download the complete tender documents please can you click on the link beneath;
How to apply:
Consultancy contract
This will be for an initial period that is to be specified by the consultant commencing from October 2021 (exact date to be mutually agreed). The selected candidate is expected to work from their home/office and be reporting into the Operational Support Manager.
The terms upon which the consultant will be engaged are as per the consultancy agreement. The invoice is to be submitted at the end of the month and will be paid on net payment terms 28 days though we can be flexible.
All potential applicants must fill in the table beneath in Appendix 1 to help collate key data pertaining to this tender. The applicant must be clear about other expenses being claimed in relation to this consultancy and these must be specified clearly.
For this consultancy all applicants are required to submit a covering letter with a company profile(s) and CV’s of all consultants including the lead consultant(s).
A proposal including, planned activities, methodology, deliverables, timeline, and cost proposal (including expenses) are expected.
Other relevant supporting documents should be included as the consultants sees fit.
All applicants must have a valid visa or a permit to work in the UK (if travel is required to the UK) and to the places where this project is required to be undertaken.
All proposals are required to be submitted by Monday 4th October 2021 at 1.00pm UK time pursuant to the attached guidelines for submitting a quotation and these be returned to tendering@irworldwide.org
For any issues relating to the tender or its contents please email directly to tendering@irworldwide.org
Following submission, IRW may engage in further discussion with applicants concerning tenders in order to ensure mutual understanding and an optimal agreement.
Quotations must include the following information for assessment purposes.
Payment terms (payment normally made within 28 days of invoice)
Full break down of costs including taxes, expenses and any VAT
References (two are preferred)
Technical competency for this role
Demonstrable experience in a similar project
Note: The criteria's are subject to change
Appendix 1
Please fill in the table below. It is essential all sections be completed and where relevant additional expenses be specified in detail. In case of questions about how to complete the table below, please contact tendering@irworldwide.org
Cost of a consultancy in developing a learning paper that reflects on the key lessons learnt, challenges and recommendations of IR Mali’s experience with the Channels of Hope Methodology (Child Protection), September 2021
Full name of all consultants working on this project
Full company trading name
No of proposed hours per week
No. of proposed days
Preferred days
Non preferred days**
Earliest available start date
Expected project finish date
Day rate (required for invoicing purposes) £
Total cost for consultancy in GBP (less taxes and expenses) £
Expenses (flights) £
Expenses (accommodation) £
Expenses (transfers) £
Expenses (in country travel) £
Expenses (visa) £
Expenses (security) £
Expenses (food) £
Expenses (print/stationary) £**
Expenses other (please specify) £
Total expenses £
Total VAT or taxes £
Total cost for consultancy in GBP (inclusive of taxes and expenses) £
The applicant is expected to take responsibility for paying full taxes and social charges in his/her country of residence.
To access and download the complete tender documents please can you click on the link beneath;